LW49 Pillar 4: Maximize Employer Promoted Healthy Living



Connect to Wellness - A free workplace wellness program for small to midsize employers, developed by the University of Washington

Creating a Healthier Work Environment

Tips for The Work Place

Instituting Vending Guidelines

Active Meeting Guidelines

Walking Meeting Guidelines


What Does It Take to Build a Healthy Workplace?

healthy is wellness

A corporate wellness program that creates real results company wide.


Extraordinary Workplace Wellness Programs

Institute for Health and Productivity Studies, John Hopkins University


Creating Sustainable Habit Change in Your Company Culture

Supporting a Coworker in Crisis

Sit for 60 Move for 3 Poster

“Working on Wellness:” protocol for a worksite health promotion capacitybuilding program for employers - In the United States, worksite wellness programs are more often offered by larger employers. The Massachusetts Working on Wellness (WoW) program is an innovative, statewide capacity-building model designed to increase the number of smaller employers (200 or fewer workers) adopting health promotion initiatives. This article describes the WoW program design and approaches to recruitment, implementation, and evaluation.




Number of Jobs

Source: Prospera Business Network Economic Profile of Gallatin and Park Counties

Over 10% of Montana's Population Lives Within Gallatin & Park Counties. 

Three cities in our region are in the top 10 most populated cities in Montana; Bozeman at #4, Belgrade at #8, and Livingston at #9. In our two-county region, Gallatin & Park County make up almost 12 percent of the entire population in Montana. 

Taken from the Prospera Business Network Economic Profile of Gallatin and Park Counties