LW49 Special Planning Session
8:30 AM08:30

LW49 Special Planning Session

Please join LiveWell49 for an important planning session. 

After months of research, the LW49 coalition has identified the need to support connection and belonging as a means of improving well-being in Park County.   During this interactive gathering, we will define shared goals and identify measures that will drive this collective work moving forward. This in-person event will be held in the conference rooms at Livingston HealthCare. 

For background on the June 19th event, please visit this special page on the LiveWell49 website.

Registration requested. Please register here.

Questions? Please contact info@livewell49.org

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LW49 May Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LW49 May Meeting

  • Livingston HealthCare Conference Rooms (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The LiveWell49 Coalition meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month to develop and sustain their work towards shared goals.

May’s meeting will be focused on what Park County organizations are doing that impacts the coalition’s developing goal to strengthen connection and belonging in our communities.

Attendees are encouraged to attend in person, but a virtual option is also available.

Join the meeting virtually here.

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LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting

All are welcome. Join us!

Each month we tackle understanding the needs and opportunities for health & well-being in Park County as we work towards system-alignment and actionable goals to support our communities.

This month’s meeting will be focused on reviewing a draft strategy to advance our identified area of focus around building more connection in the community.

Meetings are held in the conference rooms at Livington HealthCare. From the front entrance, walk straight towards Cafe Fresh past registration. Conference rooms are in the hallway to the left.

Can’t make it in-person? Join us online! CLICK HERE TO JOIN

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LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting

All are welcome. Join us!

Each month we learn more about the needs and opportunities for health & well-being in Park County as we work towards system-alignment and actionable goals to support our communities.

Through presentations and local data analysis, we’ve explored quite a lot about local needs and strategies for addressing them. March’s meeting will be an opportunity to digest what we’ve learned together and plot next steps. All are welcome - your presence will add to the conversation!

Meetings are held in the conference rooms at Livington HealthCare. From the front entrance, walk straight towards Cafe Fresh past registration. Conference rooms are in the hallway to the left.

Can’t make it in-person? Join us online! CLICK HERE TO JOIN

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10:00 AM10:00

Community Resource Collaborative

All nonprofit professionals and organizations welcome!

Join your colleagues for a monthly opportunity to connect and share. Each meeting includes time for updates and a brief presentation.

This month’s presentation will be an update from the Park County Housing Coalition.

Click here to join the meeting

Can’t make a meeting, but have info to share? Want to present? Want to receive a calendar invite? Contact hannah.wologo@livhc.org or laurie.bishop@livhc.org.

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LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting

All are welcome. Join us !

Each month we learn more about the needs and opportunities for health & well-being in Park County as we work towards system-alignment and actionable goals to support our communities.

February’s meeting will feature special guests from Be Well Big Sky to share information about their Wellness Navigators program.


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LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LiveWell49 Monthly Coalition Meeting

All are welcome. Join us !

Each month we learn more about the needs and opportunities for health & well-being in Park County as we work towards system-alignment and actionable goals to support our communities.

January’s meeting will feature special guests from the Bozeman Help Center. We’ll learn about the offerings and reflections regarding services they provide to Park County, including 2-1-1 and the 9-8-8 crisis line.

Meetings are held in the conference rooms at Livington HealthCare. From the front entrance, walk straight towards Cafe Fresh past registration. Conference rooms are in the hallway to the left.

Can’t make it in-person? Join us online! CLICK HERE TO JOIN

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LW49 December Coalition Meeting - Special Holiday Edition
3:00 PM15:00

LW49 December Coalition Meeting - Special Holiday Edition

We’re cooking up connection for our December meeting! Come join us as we explore ideas to help foster community in the new year - for ourselves and others.

Due to the nature of the plans, this month’s meeting will be in-person only.

Join us at Livingston HealthCare Hagemeyer Conference Rooms - through the front entrance, the hallway on the left past registration. All are welcome!!

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LW49 November Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LW49 November Coalition Meeting

All are welcome!

We’ll use our November meeting to dive into some NEW local data regarding behavioral health and well-being in Park County and share how other communities in MT are supporting wellness through community connection.

This meeting will be in-person, but can also be joined online. Click here to join the meeting

The conference rooms at Livingston HealthCare can be found through the front entrance, straight towards Cafe Fresh, then down the hallway on the left.

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LW49 October Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LW49 October Coalition Meeting

All are welcome!

Our October meeting will take a deep dive into Montana’s HB872 Commission which is working to make a transformational investment in the state’s behavioral health system. You’ll have the opportunity to learn and share feedback with Commission members.

This meeting will be in-person, but can also be joined online. Click here to join the meeting

The conference rooms at Livingston HealthCare can be found through the front entrance, straight towards Cafe Fresh, then down hallway on the left.

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Mental Health First Aid in Livingston
9:00 AM09:00

Mental Health First Aid in Livingston

FREE with lunch provided!

As we observe our community struggle with mental health and substance use issues, many of us are asking how we can better support our friends and loved ones. Park County Public Health is offering Mental Health First Aid training to give people the resources they need to answer those questions.

Mental Health First Aid, an international, evidence-based program, teaches people to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges. You’ll find it’s an extremely helpful program that’s worthy of wider awareness. The course is free through the Park County Public Health Department and LiveWell49.

E-mail Juanita Bueter at JBueter@parkcounty.org to sign up. Lunch is provided. 

The training will be held at Livingston HealthCare in Hagemeyer Conference Rooms 1 & 2. Use the main entrance and head straight towards Cafe Fresh. The conference rooms are in the hallway on your left, past registration.

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Mental Health First Aid in Gardiner
9:00 AM09:00

Mental Health First Aid in Gardiner

FREE with lunch provided!

As we observe our community struggle with mental health and substance use issues, many of us are asking how we can better support our friends and loved ones. Park County Public Health is offering Mental Health First Aid training to give people the resources they need to answer those questions.

Mental Health First Aid, an international, evidence-based program, teaches people to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges. You’ll find it’s an extremely helpful program that’s worthy of wider awareness. The course is free through the Park County Public Health Department and LiveWell49.

E-mail Juanita Bueter at JBueter@parkcounty.org to sign up. Lunch is provided. 

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LW49 September Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LW49 September Coalition Meeting

All are welcome!

In our quest for local data and understanding, we‘ll welcome Lauren Davis from Montana State University Dept of Education. Lauren will share local research data regarding trauma-informed practices for youth. We‘ll also have time to reflect on the past few months of learning and what comes next.

This meeting will be in-person, but can also be joined online. Click here to join the meeting

The conference rooms at Livingston HealthCare can be found through the front entrance, straight towards Cafe Fresh, then down hallway on the left.

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QPR - Suicide Prevention Training
5:30 PM17:30

QPR - Suicide Prevention Training

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and an important time to help anyone in the community feel prepared to offer help to someone in crisis. The QPR training covers three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. People trained on QPR learn to recognize signs of suicide crisis and learn to question, persuade and refer someone to help.

This training is FREE and open to all.

Many thanks to Julie Anderson SWPC, LAC for leading this training!

Join us in the Community Room downstairs in the library.

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LiveWell49 August Coalition Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

LiveWell49 August Coalition Meeting

Join us for a special presentation!

Amanda Garant, Kacie Boteler and Maria Gotta of Park Co. Health Dept's Community Support Team have been conducting outreach to flood impacted neighborhoods and communities since May. They will share findings and reflections about lingering needs and supporting one another - during a crisis and beyond.

Meeting will be held in person at Livingston Health Care and online.

In person: Livingston Health Care Hagemeyer Conference Rooms 1 & 2

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 406-318-7011,,725721531#   United States, Billings

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