FREE with lunch provided!
As we observe our community struggle with mental health and substance use issues, many of us are asking how we can better support our friends and loved ones. Park County Public Health is offering Mental Health First Aid training to give people the resources they need to answer those questions.
Mental Health First Aid, an international, evidence-based program, teaches people to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges. You’ll find it’s an extremely helpful program that’s worthy of wider awareness. The course is free through the Park County Public Health Department and LiveWell49.
E-mail Juanita Bueter at to sign up. Lunch is provided.
The training will be held at Livingston HealthCare in Hagemeyer Conference Rooms 1 & 2. Use the main entrance and head straight towards Cafe Fresh. The conference rooms are in the hallway on your left, past registration.